Answered on: March 8, 2019


Hello, your website mentioned unlimited mileage, does this apply to fuel?


No, it means you will not be charged for the miles/kilometers you do, whereas some suppliers do.


Ok. In this case, how do you charge for fuel?


There are a few different options: down the left hand side menu when you have conducted your search you will see the options. The most popular is FULL/FULL. You will start with a FULL tank of fuel and your return it FULL.


Also, I selected pickup time location at Amsterdam Central Station & start time to be 07:00 and end time to be 22:00. Would there be additional charge for return after 19:00? Your office only opens 07:00 & closes at 19:00. How am I expected to return the car?


No extra charge for return after 19:00! You can return your rental vehicle anytime using the key-drop box.